Use this Website to Search for St George Real Estate Now!

And here is why….you have the same information in real time. In other words you get the information at the same time the Realtor’s get it. That will make a difference if you are searching for homes for sale in St George and or Washington County Utah. So take advantage of this free feature right now! Sign up and get notified of any changes or updates in the St George real estate market!

Has the most comprehensive data set in Washington County.

As of today, the WCBR MLS currently holds 1,044 active listings between Washington County & Iron County, compared to 569 active listings in out-of-area MLS’s. This means a couple of things. First, that the WCBR MLS holds the most *complete* source for all available listings in our area. It also means that the WCBR MLS is the only place where a consumer can rely upon the accuracy of market data important to buyers and sellers. The accuracy of pricing listings matters, and therefore, benefits the agent AND consumers alike.

Every market is unique. “There” is not “here.”

Subscribing to an MLS with the most complete property data means you have a deeper understanding of unique market variables, seasonality, market dynamics & trends, buyer negotiations, and more. Our local market is dramatically different than the general metro Utah market. This means that subscribers of the WCBR MLS are the local real estate experts, andWE, the MLS, are the local data experts.

Why should this matter to you?

This quite literally makes our MLS subscribers experts in our area, giving buyers and sellers confidence when making important decisions regarding their real estate investment. This creates tremendous value to Washington County consumers when WCBR MLS users are empowered with the most comprehensive data, information and tools necessary to a successful real estate transaction.

Call me today so I can give you a private tour and show you the inside of all the homes for sale in Washington County. I can show you any home for sale in the St George area listed by any company.

We can go anytime you want. Let’s get you out there.

Remember you can customize any St George or southern Utah home for sale search any way you want it. Get timely updates on any of your favorites. See them before many agents even wake up! And it’s FREE and available to you 24/7.

If you have any questions or need any help with your search. We are here and very responsive to your wants and needs and happy to assist in customizing a search just for you.

Contact me now and I can help get you fully qualified. You do not want to lose your dream home because you weren’t prepared!


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