St. George Utah investment property, sold on the courthouse steps or on one of the online auctions, can provide an exceptional value to the investor and or buyer looking for deeply discounted properties in Southern Utah. They require special skill sets and a like all great values some risk is involved. As one of our local title company lawyers said at a training seminar I attended “you better be wearing your big boy pants to buy on the courthouse steps. This is true, however I have the skill sets and team of experts to keep the risk levels down. The online auctions offer less risk and are still a way to get deep discounts on St. George homes and properties. Put Walter and his team of experts to work for you! Find all the St George and Washington County foreclosure homes available right now!

St. George Investment Property and The Foreclosure Process

St. George Utah foreclosed properties that are sold on the courthouse steps actually comprise the second stage of the foreclosure process. The first step is called pre-foreclosure, and is when the bank or mortgage holder begins the steps to reclaim the property and assets. The final stage, post-foreclosure, happens after the auction, and occupies a specified time period before the highest bidder can actually take possession of the property. If the home or property does not sell at the courthouse steps the property is generally assigned to a real estate agent, like myself to sell through a more conventional process, St. George MLS and more traditional marketing. When and if the agent fails to sell the home the home will enter the second and then the third auction process via an online bidding system.


The pre-foreclosure process begins when the first payment is missed on a mortgage loan. The account is flagged and the mortgage holder watches the account for further late or missing payments. Once the account is deemed too delinquent, the mortgage holder begins the paperwork to have the property sold at a courthouse auction. This paperwork usually includes filing a notice of intent with the proper local authorities and placing an announcement in the newspaper that the property will be sold on a specific date.

The Courthouse Auction

In most states, the bidding on property sold at a courthouse auction may begin before the actual sale day. These extra days are added for first-time homeowners to place a bid on the property; if a bid received is high enough to satisfy the mortgage holder, it is accepted and the actual auction is canceled. If no bids are received during the pre-auction days, the property will then be sold on the courthouse steps. In some states, the mortgage holder has the right to specify the least amount of money he will take (called a reserve) for the property being sold. Often, an auction property will sell far below market value, thus making bidding at auction a favorite activity of real-estate speculators and other investors.


In more than 12 states, there is a waiting period before the high bidder can take possession of the property. This time is allowed so any taxes and other liens and sub-liens can be settled before the sale is finalized. Many states will allow the original homeowner to repurchase the property for the price of the highest bid. This is not the case with St. George homes and properties.


While getting a prime piece of property at a lower price may seem to be a bargain, there are several factors to keep in mind. For one, the original homeowners may still be living in the home, and the new buyer may need legal help to evict them. Second, the former owners may have trashed the inside when they left, making remodeling or refurbishing the property more expensive. For foreclosures sold on the courthouse steps, an inspection of the property beforehand is not generally provided. The third disadvantage is that 100 percent of the cash price that was bid is due when the bid is declared the winner or within a set time period, usually 24 to 72 hours.

Second and Third stage Auctions

This type of purchase is typically less risky than courthouse step auctions. These St. George homes and properties are the result of not selling on the courthouse steps and not selling through a designated real estate agent or agents. They may come refurbished, title has been cleaned up and for the most part clean and salable, unlike some courthouse step auctions where you may actually be purchasing a worthless second or even an HOA lien. These homes are vacant and offer a solid value to a savvy buyer working with an experienced Realtor like Walter and his professional team of experts. Call me today and let’s discuss all of the different St. George Utah investment property options!