Let me start by saying “I believe all homes deserve a thorough and competent home inspection performed by a licensed and qualified home inspector”. Getting your St George home inspection done is a must as it helps to determine if the home has any problems. The inspector will perform a multi point home inspection and report back with critical information and data to help you make an informed decision on the condition of the home. For the most part your St George home inspection is for you, the buyer. If problems are discovered you have an option to negotiate the repairs, as long as you give notice prior to your due diligence deadline. If the seller is unwilling to make the requested repairs you, as the buyer can cancel the contract if you so desire. I also recommend that my client, the buyer be present with the home inspector to ask any questions and learn about you new St George real estate purchase. My preferred home inspector welcomes questions and is more than happy to explain everything. More times than not a buyer is responsible for the cost of the home inspection. Once in awhile a smart seller will have a home inspection performed prior to listing their home and made available to the buyer. Typically a St George home inspection does not include a pest or termite inspection, also highly recommended. Again my preferred home inspector is a certified inspect and termite inspector. He can perform both inspections for you. St george home inspections are valuable, informative and can be a key negotiating tool down the road.
An St George Utah appraisal is for the lender and is primarily to establish the value of you St George real estate. A appraisal is not for finding defects, altho an appraiser may fine issues. That is not the appraisers primary focus.
Please don’t confuse St George home inspections with a St George home appraisal. Two completely different things. Either of which can be a useful negotiating tool. So as you can see both are very important to the buyer and the seller.
Feel free to contact me with any questions on the subject of St George home inspection or appraisal, I love to help! To sum things up get a St George home inspection before your due diligence deadline and make this the best deal of your life!